How Do You Find The Best Place To Stay In Udupi?
Planning to visit Udupi on vacation? Not sure where exactly you are going to stay? Udupi district has plenty of options to stay. Udupi district is spread over 98 km of coastline and planning ahead and planning smart gives you the unique advantage of covering maximum locations conveniently. If you are just looking to visit Udupi city and Malpe beach, there are a lot of hotels in Udupi where you can book your stay and ensure that your experience is a nice one. But if you are seeking to explore more than just Udupi town, and explore the entire district and all its amazing tourist attractions then staying in Udupi will make your travel more cumbersome and experience less. Udupi district has three major attractions and tourist towns namely Udupi itself, Kundapura and Byndoor.Both Kundapura and Byndoor is well known among tourists for its mesmiriszing coastline specially Kodi beach, Kundapura, Marvanthe beach, Someshwara beach,BYndoor also called as ottinene beach,Byndoor, Kollur Mookambik